We both enjoyed talking again.
The problem; I was falling for you.
We both liked being friends.
The problem; I wanted to be more.
My friend told you I liked you.
The problem; you had a girlfriend.
You told me you liked me too.
The problem; you liked your girlfriend just as much.
Your girlfriend broke up with you.
The problem; you weren't ready for a relationship.
You were going to ask me out soon.
The problem; I couldn't wait any longer.
We were finally together.
The problem; I was too attached.
You got grounded for a month.
The problem; I missed you.
You finally got ungrounded.
The problem; We couldn't hang out.
We got into a fight because of it.
The problem; I sent you over the edge.
You wouldn't talk to me.
The problem; I was so annoying.
You broke up with me.
The problem; I couldn't let it go.
We both said that we could never be with anyone else.
The problem; I didn't lie.
We both promised to stay together forever.
The problem; forever was too short.
So now we're nothing.
The problem; Me
-written by me.
October 21, 2007
The Problem; Me.
Posted by
10:39 AM
October 13, 2007
I'm sorry I can't just unlove you.
I can go through everything that has happened between us.
It's like one of those bad movies.
You've seen it so many times and you know all the words,
and you don't know why you watch it over and over, but you do.
Everyday I make sure to watch the "bad movie,"
so I don't forget. I don't want to forget.
And it's funny because I seem to watch,
the bad parts more than the good parts.
Each day thinking how I could have changed what happened.
You're moving on and I can tell.
But I'm stuck watching this same bad movie. all alone.
It's like one of those silent, black and white movies.
and I'm in the middle of it, watching myself screw up.
I scream but no one hears me. I cry but no one sees.
I watch us lay on my bed. And I touch your face. I can feel the warmth.
It fast fowards to when we're not a "we" anymore.
I watch myself watch you walk down the hall.
The me in the movie just stares at the unfamiliar face,
and starts to tear a little.
The real me runs up to you, stops, and stares as well.
The look on the real me is blank and confused.
I reach out and touch your face.
Your warmth is gone. Your face is unfirmiliar and cold.
I'm watching myself get my heart broken.
But there's nothing I can do.
Everything is in fast foward but our unfirmiliar faces.
I've changed for you and you've changed as well, only not for me.
You're different now, and I hate it.
I'm lost without you, and you know it. Everything is wrong.
But still, I watch myself cry.
I watch myself become more and more lost.
Everyday I watch us in the hall
Sometimes you notice me, most times you don't.
The movie me doesn't bother with anything anymore.
The real me screams louder.
Movie me hears this time.
Looks up and says, "give up. It's hopeless."
The real me is my heart,
Watching the bad things happen, wanting him back.
The movie me is my head,
Knowing there is no chance, gradually giving up.
But still I watch the movie.
Never letting go of the memories that mean so much to me.
"I can't unthink about you.
I can't unhear all those words, that meant so much to me.
Or unsay all the words, that i thought meant so much to you.
I wish i could unremember, all the things my heart has been through.
But i'm finding out it's impossible to do. I'm sorry I can't just unlove you."
-written by me.
Posted by
6:55 PM
More favorite quotes.
- "To realize the value of 10 years, ask a newly divorced couple. To realize the value of 4 years, ask a graduate. To realize the value of 1 year, ask a student who failed the final exam. To realize the value of nine months, ask a mother who gave birth to a new Born. To realize the value of 1 month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of one week, ask an editorof a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of 1 Hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. To realize the value of 1 minute ask aperson who has missed the train. To realize the value of one second, ask a person who has survived a car accident. To realize the value of 1 millisecond, ask the person who has just won silver in the Olympics. To realize the value of a friend, lose one."
- "I want to scream everything he has ever done to hurt me, his is unspeakably cruel. But I am too desperatley in love, and I'll never say a word."
- "and why do people think it's okay for them to do horrible things to others, as long as they apologize afterwards?"
- "and then her eyes screamed the saddest apology this side of town has ever heard."
- "I can't unthink about you. I can't unhear all those words, that meant so much to me. Or unsay all the words that I thought meant so much to you. I wish I could unremember all the things my heart has been through. But i'm finding out it's impossible to do. I'm sorry I can't just unlove you."
- "it's funny how hello is always accompaniedwith goodbye, It's funny how good memories can start to make you cry. It's funny how forever never really seems to last, it's funny how much you would lose if you forgot your past. It's funny how friends can just leave you when you're down. It's funny how when you need someone they're never around. It's funny how people change & think they're so much better, it's funny how many lies can be packed in one "love letter." It's funny how people forgive even though they can't forget, It's funny how one lonely night can contain so much regret. It's funny how ironic lifeturns out to be, but the funniest part of all, is none of that seems funny to me."
- "Pile up too many tomorrow's, & you'll find that you've collected nothing but a bunch of empty yesterdays."
- "as she walked down the gloomy street, it was as if the world had shunned her. & tears of rejection lay, unnoticed on her sunken cheeks."
- "I wonder if the sun has risen where you are. It's morning time, i miss your hands on my skin; this bed's too big without you."
- "it's the tragic story of a shallow boy with the girl who see's way too much in him. The story of the boy who turned her downbecause she just wasn't pretty enough."
- "people ask me why it's so hard to trust anyone & i ask them why is it so hard to keep a promise."
- "I know that I should just let go, walk away, and not look back. But, I don't think I could handle knowing that you wouldn't care if I did."
Posted by
6:53 PM